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Bạn đang xem: A little love

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Greatness as you, smallest as meYou show me What is deep as seaA little love sầu, little kissA little hug, little giftAll of little somethingThese are our memoriesYou make me cryMake me smileMake me feel that love is trueYou always stand by my sideI don"t want khổng lồ say goodbyeYou make me cryMake me smileMake me feel the joy of loveOhhh kissing youThank you for all the love sầu you always give to meOhhh I love sầu youGreatness as you, smallest as meYou show me What is deep as seaA little love sầu, little kissA little hug, little giftAll of little somethingThese are our memoriesYou make me cryMake me smileMake me feel that love is trueYou always stand by my sideI don"t want to say goodbyeYou make me cryMake me smileMake me feel the joy of loveOhhh kissing youThank you for all the love you always give sầu khổng lồ meOhhh I love sầu youYes I bởi vì...I always vày...Make me cryMake me smileMake me feel that love is trueYou always stand by my sideI don"t want to lớn say goodbyeYou make me cryMake me smileMake me feel the joy of loveOhhh kissing youThank you for all the love sầu you always give sầu to meOhhh I love youTo be with youOhhh I love you

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