After fleeing an abusive relationship, a young mother finds a job cleaning houses as she fights to lớn provide for her child & build them a better future.

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After a long night on the floor of a ferry terminal with Maddy, Alex finds shelter, but custody issues and an unhappy client push her khổng lồ the edge.


While navigating the complex government assistance system, Alex wrangles with Sean over Maddy's care and tackles a cleaning job that nearly breaks her.


Cleaning Regina's gorgeous house on Thanksgiving, Alex imagines what it would be lượt thích to live in such luxury before taking the fantasy a step further.


A job cleaning out the childhood trang chủ of a notorious local thief triggers memories for Alex, who also discovers what's causing Maddy's worrying cough.

Xem thêm: Đèn Led Nội Thất Ô Tô Và Những Điều Cần Biết 2022, Led Viền Nội Thất


Determined lớn send Maddy lớn a better preschool, Alex desperately searches for a new place lớn live, a process complicated by her government benefits.


Alex writes about her clients, including a couple living separate lives, as she juggles her tricky housing situation and Paula's fragile mental state.


Amid a crushing series of setbacks, Alex explores the possibility of college while dealing with Paula's health crisis and offering Regina a helping hand.


Back at square one, Alex reaches out for a safe harbor & legal lifeline, realizing how much of herself she's lost along the way.


Gaining strength and support from a creative writing therapy group, Alex fights for her future by facing off with Sean over custody of Maddy.

Drama Programmes,TV Programmes Based on Books,US TV Programmes,TV Shows Based on Real Life,Social Issue TV Dramas